This should work
var urlHelper = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<UrlResolver>(); var friendlyUrlBuilder = new UrlBuilder(<!----Your url string here -->); ContentReference contentReference = PermanentLinkUtility.GetContentReference(friendlyUrlBuilder); string url = urlHelper.GetUrl(contentReference); return url;
var urlResolver = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<UrlResolver>();
var pageUrl = urlResolver.GetUrl(contentReference, cultureName);
In a cshtml view
<a href="@Url.ContentUrl(EPiServer.Url)">
You can get real path using UrlHelper
var urlHelper = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<UrlHelper>(); var url = urlHelper.ContentUrl(currentBlock.Link);
I have a custom block, with a URL field. (EpiServer.Url)
In the editor, I go to the properties and set the page from other pages in the site. In this case, "Contact Us". (site path, "/en/contact-us")
But when the controller gets the path, it looks like this: "/link/03b82dc1edc34762bfa4575c24180166.aspx?id=373&epslanguage=en", not "/en/contact-us".
What do I do to get the real path.