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Getting block data from ContentRepository


I've inherented an Episerver website, making me a newbie once again.  My current task is to move a slider type content area off of a page template into a "block with blocks" configuration, in order to have more granular content scheduling for that page.

I'm stuck trying to move the property that points to the page data:

protected HomePage HomePageData
return ContentRepository.Get(PageReference.StartPage);

Into something that points to the containing block data, for example:

protected UpcomingEventsBlock UpcomingEventsData
return ContentRepository.Get(contentLink);



Feb 25, 2016 18:43

Oops, here's the code formatted: 

        protected HomePage HomePageData
                return ContentRepository.Get<HomePage>(PageReference.StartPage);

To something like:

        protected UpcomingEventsBlock UpcomingEventsData
                return ContentRepository.Get<UpcomingEventsBlock>(contentLink);
Feb 25, 2016 20:04

What is the question?

Feb 25, 2016 21:28

Sorry Bob, I realize I've not been clear on that.

I've not been able to find the correct parameter for the ContentRepository.Get method.  There is no Block equivalent to the PageReference class, that I can find.  I've tried a large number of variations but I'm mostly flailing in the dark.  

If you could point me to relevant documentation or examples that would be a huge help.   


Feb 25, 2016 22:06

Try ContentReference, which PageReference inherits from.

Feb 25, 2016 22:15

Thanks Johan, that sounds good, but I was not able to get it to work with any of ContentReference's methods, such as StartPage or RootPage.

This makes me realize that the original home page code is not a good model to follow. PageReference.StartPage, as far as I understand it, is a global kind of reference, a 'hard coded' pointer to the home page.  The code I'm trying to move over to a block is doing a data bind for the child blocks:

 rptSlider.ItemDataBound += BindEvents;

            if (UpcomingEventsData.ThisWeekEvents != null && UpcomingEventsData.ThisWeekEvents.Count > 0)
                var allEvents = UpcomingEventsData.ThisWeekEvents.FilteredItems
                    .Select(content => ContentRepository.Get<HomePageEventBlock>(content.ContentLink))
                var groupings = new List<FeaturedEventGrouping>();
                var curGrouping = new FeaturedEventGrouping();

                for (int curIndex = 0; curIndex < allEvents.Count(); curIndex++)
                    var curEvent = allEvents[curIndex];


                    if (curGrouping.IsFull || curIndex == allEvents.Count() - 1)
                        curGrouping = new FeaturedEventGrouping();

                rptSlider.DataSource = groupings;


Where the UpcomingEventsData property is pointing to the container block.  

Feb 25, 2016 22:37

Found it!  Thanks to Dan Matthews and Alf Nilsson The key was in this thread:

"If you cast CurrentBlock to IContent you will be able to access data from the IContent Interface."

So now I have:

        protected UpcomingEventsBlock UpcomingEventsData
                var contentLink = (CurrentBlock as IContent).ContentLink;
                return ContentRepository.Get<UpcomingEventsBlock>(contentLink);

And it works like a charm.  

Feb 26, 2016 18:26
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