Did you try to dig into existing actor source code? Not at PC right now, but that might gve you some hints..
Create a class that inherits from SendEmailAfterSubmissionActor and then rewrite the method called SendMessage() to handle the message in a prefered way.
This blogpost should suit your question
Problem to solve:
The users have created a form and using the "built in" SendEmailAfterSubmissionActor, to send mail after submit. This senario works fine, but in this solution we need to use a webservice to send the mail (this just applies to forms, other functions will still use smtp).
Part of the problem is that I still want to use the "insert placeholder" functionality from the SendEmailAfterSubmissionActor-template. I want to avoid to rewrite all the code for the "insert placeholder", and rely on Epi standards.
I tried to create a custom actor, which leaves me with the problem that I don't know how to implement "insert placeholder" functionality
Anyone have suggestions how to solve this problem?