If site administrator changes the sort order of one property in admin mode (Admin / Content Type / Page Types / ...), episerver will modify the sort order of all properties for that page type.
To reset the sort order (use the value defined in the code), you have to click on every single property and select Revert to Default.
Checked the regular stuff when content types aren´t updated?
Thank you guys, I'll try those things out!
I just noticed that a few page types show the correct order, and on these pages I can also change the ordering by increasing och decreasing the "Order" value in the code. This is obviously what I want on all page types.
But, for those page types that I consider show properties in incorrect order it is impossible for me to provoke a different order. Like setting "Order = 1000" or not set an order number at all etc.
So, it actually works on some page types. Does that help any of you to make another good guess?
Even though I use "Order" when decorating my properties they don't show up in that order in Edit mode. How can I fix this? The code below is one of my properties and I have like seven more with Order = 20, Order = 30, Order = 40 and so on...
Thank you!