Opticon Stockholm is on Tuesday September 10th, hope to see you there!
Opticon Stockholm is on Tuesday September 10th, hope to see you there!
When investigating further I noticed there are three or four more Stored procedures missing. And when trying to create the "nerBlockTypeGetUsage" SP manually i got an error saying:
Msg 468, Level 16, State 9, Procedure netBlockTypeGetUsage, Line 21 [Batch Start Line 6]
Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" and "Finnish_Swedish_CI_AS" in the like operation.
It looks like there are some mismatch in the collation in the database, I don't know if this information helps...
Pjuh, sounds like a hassle,
Start by running all sql scripts to the right version under Episerver.CMS.Core.x.x.x\tools\epiupdates\sql, one at a time.
If no work, i would be bald and delete all SPs, and run the skripts from CMS package...
Check your databaseversion here: https://nuget.episerver.com/compare-database/
Did it work Mattias?
Yes it was a real hassle!
It took some time to figure out what was wrong. But eventually we found a solution.
We fixed the issue by writing a SQL-script that first changes the collate in on the columns that were wrong, then creates all missing stored procedures.
Now everything works as it should and hopefully we identified all the missing stored procedures.
I'm having an issue with a Episerver installation, the database are missing some stored procedures.
The database has been around since version 9.x-something and the problem got to my attention when doing an upgrade to episerver and got this errormessage:
After looking in to the issue I noticed that a couple of more stored procedures were also missing... I have no idea why the haven't been installed in the first place.
I would like to know if there is some script I can run to verify that all exists and if not create them.