Hi Dipak,
When you say that you have followed all the steps - did you switch all ApplicationUser usages on startup.cs (or whatever file you have your OWIN StartUp) to your CustomUser?
This is easy for you to test on your local machine:
Was the site first created using Episervers ApplicationUser and then you decided to switch to your own custom implementation? If yes, then that is why you don't see any changes in your AspNetUsers table. You need to run migrations and it isn't straight forward like just running enable-migrations and pointing to Episerver ASP.NET identity type and assembly (like you would normally run migrations in an ASP.NET EF project).
So if you can start clean with the user database, that is your fastest option or see this blog post about running the migrations programmatically. I'm not sure if that will either work as you are changing the actual user type too.
Hello There,
I have followed all the steps given into the https://world.episerver.com/documentation/developer-guides/CMS/security/episerver-aspnetidentity/.
So I have created as class
public class CustomUser : ApplicationUser
public virtual string FirstName { get; set; }
So after build and run the site. I was expecting that, the column "FirstName" would be get generate into table AspNetUsers table in database. But its not working.
Any help.