Yes, if you look at the XHR request that's being called for this in the backend you'll see something like
And anything that's going to /Find/proxy/ is actually just a proxy of that exact call pushed through to the ElasticSearch instance on find.
If you take the URL of one of your find indexes directly and paste this on the end (E.G FINDURL/_stats/query/top?from=2023-04-25T18%3A00%3A00Z&to=2023-04-26T18%3A00%3A00Z&interval=hour&size=25&dojo.preventCache=1682528965641) you'll see that same result.
Therefore we've hooked in to this by just combining the find URL from settings with the URL which can be built using the elastic search docs for _stats to access the data for use in the website
Is there a way to get the most frequent searched queries in Optimizely Find?

I need the same "Most frequent searches" resultset as in the Optimizely search and navigation.
This has been registered as a feature request in 2015. But I do not see a way to fetch this through Find.
Any input on this is appreciated.