If you add a new property to an existing type it does not mean that all instances of that type will be affected.
What will happen is that when you try to create a new instance then you will see the new property editor but all old instances will just have null/default(T) as the value.
Our internal type scanner always runs during initialization and tries to match code-based content type definitions with database.
I admitedly don't spend a lot of time in our CMS code making changes, so when I do get in there sometimes it all seems like magic!
I was hoping someone could explain in simple terms how Opti is pulling off this trick that I can add a new property into this class and then see it pop up right away as a choice on the property editors in the CMS?
More-over, when I make a change like this into production, should I be careful about making sure I go to a maintainence page or antyhign? Seems like this would be a lot of database updates?