On restart of IIS i get numerous error messages with envent ID 1000:
Access to performance data was denied to ASPNET as attempted from C:\WINNT\System32\WBEM\WinMgmt.exe
EPiServer set up Performance counters during installation and writes to these at runtime. ASPNET has by default write-only access to already created performance counters.
If these haven't been created at all (you should find a EPiServer 4 category in the Performance monitor) you could create them manually by running the following at a command prompt:
installutil EPiServer.dll
Yes, but EPiServer4 is already available as an object in the performance monitor. It is working fine (as far as I can see). I'm having parallell applications with an EPiServer.dll assembly in each (4.11 and 4.20). However, I did run the installutil on the 4.20 assembly with no alarming comment in the log, but with no effect on the number or error messages in the event log.
En av våra kunder har haft samma problem.
Hittade ett antal artiklar på Google som förordade en ominstallation av performence-databasen vilket verkade vara en krånglig procedur. Vi kom fram till att ASPNET inte hade skrivrättigheter till performence-databasen så i stället ändrade vi rättigheter på performence-databasen. Performence-databasen är filerna som heter något med Perflib_Perfdata_.
Enligt kunden som själva gjorde ändringar har det sedan fungerat.