After upgrading from 3.5 to 4.30 EPiServer wont send out any subscription emails. Is there something in the config I have missed?
I downloaded and ran the Subscriptions.aspx to see if there was anything it might say but it says: No subscription roots found.
I turned off the old subscription service and the new service runs when it should. In the log however i get the following:
0 subscription templates where found. 0 subscription mail were sent
I suspect my problem is the subscription templates but I'm also checking here in case there is a known problem after upgrading that i havent found on the website.
The problem was the variable name used in EPiServer 3.5 for pointing out the root of subscriptions was not the same as for EPiServer 4...
Im not sure if this was a design change that was never documented or the guy who did the site before me got it wrong?
property EPSUBSCRIBE-ROOT EPiServer 4
property SubscribeFrom EPiServer 3