I try to install EpiServer 4.5 in my Virtual PC with Windows XP system. When I run "Install new site wizard" and when I'm providing License key I got always error:
"Invalid namespace"
I have installed on this system:
IIS, Visual Studio 2005 B2, MSDE SQL Server.
Maybe this error occurs because I have also .NET 2.0 installed? Maybe you should provide special config file for .NET 1.1? This same error was with 1.0 and 1.1 .NET environment.
This is link to article about targeting a .NET framework http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/cpguide/html/cpcontargetingnetframeworkversion.asp.
Can you help me with this? I should make config file for installator or for some other exe/dlls?
Ok - error was because WMI was not properly installed. Can you change manager code to display message - You don't have WMI properly installed instead "Invalid name space.."?
The manager could display a more informative error message since we know when the error occured - while checking the license.
BTW, I suggest that you uninstall Asp.Net 2.0 if you are going to use the machine for EPiServer development.