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Problems setting up a XForm in EPiServer 4.6

Ive added a XForm property to one of my pages. When I go into edit mode and click on the button to start building my form i get an exception on the page where i should get the dialog to select existing forms or create new ones. The exception goes: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" The first item in the stack trace is: "EPiServer.XForms.XFormsFolder.GetFolders(String, subPath) + 227" I think the problem may be that the application does not know where to look for the default forms folder. The documentation says to add a dynamic property called DefaultFormFolder to specify this, but that does not seem to do anything.. Any idea what is wrong?
May 09, 2006 23:08
Hello! This is a bug in EPiServer 4.60. The default value for the form folder is not created automatically in the database when content is not imported. The workaround is to import a page containing a form to trigger this setting to be created. The page (and page type) can then be deleted and you should be able to use the page type that failed in the first place.
May 18, 2006 11:14
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