Occasional slow performance

I'm experiencing slow performance on my EPiServer installation. The strange thing is that it comes and goes... For long periodes of time (at least several hours) the website is really fast, but then it suddenly "clicks" and you have to wait 5-20 seconds before the pages load. If I do an IISRESET and close all applications at the server (alternatively do a reboot) it goes back to normal again. Has anyone experienced something similar? -Lars M.
Sep 22, 2006 17:45
Hi. What OS is running on the server? Are there any other EPiServer installations on the server, working fine? How much RAM is installed? My guess is that the aspnet working process (windows 2000) or the application pool (windows 2003) is being recycled, due to heavy memory loading. Is the site configured to use caching? Frank
Sep 23, 2006 14:19
I'm running Windows 2003 with 512MB RAM. I'm not really sure if if the site is configured to use caching. Where can I check this? Will turning off caching avoid slow performance? Thanks, Lars M.
Sep 23, 2006 21:41
Is this a public web server? If so, 512 MB RAM is waay to little. You should at least have 2-3 GB RAM. You can check if your site is configured with using cache in the site's web.config file. If the appsetting EPnCachePolicyTimeout has a value of greater than 0, then it is using caching. If the site is not using caching, try setting the value of this setting to for example 3600, which is 1 hour. If the site is indeed using caching, then this could mean both good and bad for the performance. If the site is set to use caching, and you only have 512 MB RAM, then the memory will often be filled up with cache data, and the application pool will be recycled. When this happens, you will experience this as a delay in the response on your pages, as you mentioned in your initial message. This, however, depends alot on how many visitors your site (sites?) usually have. If you don't have a lot of visitors, this could mean that there is something else wrong. For more information on this subject, please check out this FAQ on episerver.com: http://www.episerver.com/en/EPiServer_Knowledge_Center/Support/FAQ_EPiServer_4/982/6067/ Good luck! Frank :)
Sep 24, 2006 21:15
512MB of RAM on a Windows 2003 Server is not much. How much memory are the w3 process(es) consuming? And how much memory do you have available? Could be that the asp.net process is beeing recycled as Frank Ove suggests. The EPnCachePolicyTimeout setting in web.config with any other value than 0 means you're running with output cache, which is a good thing, but it consumes more memory. /Steve
Sep 24, 2006 22:02
Well, reading all the previous answers before answering myself would avoid me repeating exactly the same thing Frank-Ove just wrote. /Steve
Sep 24, 2006 22:13
1) I will upgrade to 3GB RAM shortly. 2) The EPnCachePolicyTimeout is set to 0. I will try setting this value to 3600. 3) The w3wp-process consumes 123.808 K. 4) I've read through the FAQ on "Performance issues and OutOfMemoryException" and realized that the Service Pack 1 for .NET Framework 1.1 is not installed. I will install this asap. I should mention that the site is still in development and does not have a lot of visitors. Only a selected group of 200 users have access at this time (for testing purposes). Thanks a lot, -Lars M.
Sep 25, 2006 8:22
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