Missing Edit-tab

Yesterday i ran into an unexpected problem. When changing .NET version on one of our EPiServer websites from 1.1 to 2.0, the Edit-tab disappeared. I never had this problem before on any other site. I understand that is some kind of security issue, probably the executing user lacks of permission on some assembly? The thing is, i have another website on the same server running the same EPi versio0n on .NET 2.0 without this issue... any ideas? Both websites are developed from scratch without any sample-template code or content.
Nov 19, 2007 8:45
This just happend to me as well, while deploying a site to the production server... Only thing I've found around the Internet, is that it has something to do with permissions, however not real solution. Can anyone help?
Feb 28, 2008 15:33
Same problem here. This hapened in CMS5 after we tested MS AjaxControl Toolkit on the site.
Mar 19, 2008 9:44
Sorry, EPi 4.62, many projects right now =)
Mar 19, 2008 9:46

Anyone discovered why the Edit tab is missing?

We have just upgraded the solution from 4.5 to 4.61 and the edit tab is missing when we test the solution in the test environment.

The tab is showing in the development environment. 
Weird Undecided

May 26, 2008 15:13


Those tabs are plugins that we read from the Bin catalog by reflection. And apperantly EPiServer is not able to read them. I guess there is a problem with ntfs access rights on that folder or the file which I think is episerver.codebehind.dll.

Also could check the event log for errors and possible episerver logging will give some hints too.


May 27, 2008 10:24

Hi I am having the same problem. Anyone found a solution?

I think the problem is caused by a stricter security model in Windows Server 2008 than previous versions.

I am thinking that using the Web Platform Installer could be an idea to try out maybe?

Svein Terje Gaup


May 10, 2010 13:44
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