Export XForms to Excel

Hello I have a problem on a site. I´m trying to export a XForm to Excel. It works fine execept for some fields. In the form we have a textfield where the customer should put her creditcard number. If they write for exemple 1234123412341234, EPiServer saves the correct value in the database. But when i tries to export to Excel i get 1234123412341230. The last number becomes "0". This happens only if there are more than 15 numbers. What is wrong, is it the export function that dosen´t work correct or is it Excel that handels this wrong? Is there any workaround or solution for this? We are using EPiServer /Emil
Jul 11, 2007 9:00
The problem is that Excel treats the cardnumber as a large integer, and as such it suffers from "The 15 significant digit limitation". You'd get the same behaviour if you enter 1234123412341234 in a cell and hit enter. More on this limitation can be found in this thread: http://groups.google.se/group/microsoft.public.excel.misc/browse_thread/thread/ddb7f26b246a66a5/de70bf58b8b7ff9f?lnk=st&q=%22The+15+Significant+Digit+Limitation%22&rnum=1&hl=sv#de70bf58b8b7ff9f The solution would be to get Excel to treat the number as a textstring instead, possibly by prepending the number with an apostroph ' This would require you to add some code upon formsubmit to take care of this prepending, check out the event 'BeforeSubmitPostedDataEvent' for the XFormControl. Regards, Johan Olofsson EPiServer AB
Jul 11, 2007 9:55
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