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Mirrored Content Does Not Appear



 I have set up mirroring between two sites so that content changes in site a can be mirrired to site b.

I have followed the instructions in the "Mirroring - Configuration and Operation" article at:

I made a simple content change in the page selected as the root of the tree as instructed and followed all the other instructions and started the mirroring service manually and it ran through without error. It appears that the mirroring is working ok on the source site.

When I go to the destination site however there is no content change.

The two sites are identical except for the mirroring configuation and simpe content change.

Could anyone provide any clues about why the mirrored changes are not appearing in the destination site?

many thanks


Dec 30, 2008 17:50
I have the same problem. Any solution to this problem?
Aug 24, 2009 10:57

Only pages that are MARKED AS CHANGED when published at site A are mirrored(EPiSever build-in page property Changed set to true). Might this be the "problem"?

Aug 24, 2009 15:14

Thnx for for the answer. That is not the problem for me, tried it. After I deleted all content on the destiation the site was allmost mirrored and content is updated. However, only 4 of 5 sub-trees are mirrored.

Start page for site - id 3
- Subtree 1 - id 10
- Subtree 2 - id 20
- Subtree 3 - id 30
- Subtree 4 - id 40
- Subtree 5 - id 50

Strartpage for mirroring is set to id 3, everything but Subtree 1 is mirrored.
What can be the problem?

Aug 24, 2009 15:29

Mee to have the same problem..any solution?

Jan 07, 2010 14:03

Access rights play an important role in successful mirroring. The EPi-user that performs the mirroring must have administrator rights.

Jan 11, 2010 10:33
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.