Tried to build new website with only the public templates
Episerver R2SP2
Time to load after IISRESET -> 3 Seconds max
Time to load with enterprise library dll files in the bin folder -> 50 – 30 Seconds
Didn't change to web config ( not using the enterprise library version 3.1 config)
Just copied the dll's
Each dll added to the bin filder add loading time to the Episerver.
Can I change the behaviour that only when I need to the epi will search if the bin contains new files? ( for plugins and custom properties)
using windows 2008 + iis7
Tried to build new website with only the public templates
Episerver R2SP2
Time to load after IISRESET -> 3 Seconds max
Time to load with enterprise library dll files in the bin folder -> 50 – 30 Seconds
Didn't change to web config ( not using the enterprise library version 3.1 config)
Just copied the dll's
Each dll added to the bin filder add loading time to the Episerver.
Can I change the behaviour that only when I need to the epi will search if the bin contains new files? ( for plugins and custom properties)
using windows 2008 + iis7