Language-handling in enterprise episerver 6 broken or fixed?


We've been running episerver 5 enterprise on a site without globalization, but each site did have it's own language and lang-files. The matching of language with lang-files is done by using the language-code specified in the sites list in web.config

After upgrading to episerver 6 this worked initially but started causing problems - Simple addresses started causing problems because the language code for the simple-url didn't match the language-code specified in web.config, and the keyword-database for lucene broke with the same kind of errors. 

This workaround was to enable globalization and giving each site one - and only one language - so it wasn't terribly useful. So the question is, was our previous setup based upon broken functionality in episerver or has it been corrected for certain scenarios and caused problems for setup?

Feb 02, 2011 8:38
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