Hi Gustav
If this is still an issue, Could this be done by creating a rewrite rule instead if this is feasible?
Something along like the lines of this
That would probably be one way of doing it. In our case this is not really a big issue, just thought I'd report the bug I found. I kind of want to keep as much of the config as I can in the appSettings.json file instead of using the old IIS config (since we might move on from IIS in the future).
Steps to reproduce:
Create a new Alloy project and set the UseTrailingSlash option to false. Start the site and update the hosts under Manage Websites; remove the wildcard host and set the localhost:5000 to have "en" as culture. Now the "View on website" link that pages usually have in the Options-button in edit-mode is gone from the english version of the startpage. (You can still access the startpage by going to localhost:5000)