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Bug: CMS Admin UI: Property settings - tab mapping is lost after app pool recycle


Hi @all,

We have stumbled upon an interesting bug regarding the CMS Admin UI. Custom configurations of the tab mapping in the property setting are lost when the app pool is recyled and the configuration values are resetted to the state defined in the code. Down below I have the detailed steps on how to reproduce the bug. Does anyone faced something similar and maybe has a workaround for us? 

I have also attached some log entries where you can see the entry that comes after the recycle that resets the configuration. Is there maybe a setting or something similiar with which this "feature" can be switched off?


2022-06-23 14:26:31,064;[10];DEBUG;EPiServer.DataAbstraction.RuntimeModel.Internal.PropertyDefinitionSynchronizer;NOT AVAILABLE;NOT AVAILABLE;NOT AVAILABLE;NOT AVAILABLE;Found no matching change registered in a migration step. Using the model name PageTitleOverride to locate the property
2022-06-23 14:26:31,408;[1];DEBUG;EPiServer.DataAccess.Internal.PropertyDefinitionDB;(null);(null);(null);(null);Property definition saved name='MainBody' id='1338'

Repro Steps:

  1. Edit PageType in CMS Admin UI
  2. Open property setting for some property (/CMS/Admin/EditPropertyDefinition.aspx?typeId=111)
  3. Edit Tab
  4. Save
  5. App Pool Recycle of CMS web application pool
  6. Config change done in step 3 is lost

We appreciate any help and hope there is a fix for this very soon.

Florian Walzer

Jun 24, 2022 12:14
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