Intresting in why would you add partial routing on startpage? what is the scenario here? Why not just route everyting to startpage controller?
endpoints.MapControllerRoute(name: "everygthingystart", pattern: "{id?}", defaults: new { controller = "StartPage", action = "Index" });
So I finally got it to work here is the what I found in the documentation.UrlResolverContext.RouteValues
in RoutePartial
method reflects HttpContext.RouteValues
, which is unchangeable in ASP Net Core.
To add additional data to RouteValues
you must use IHttpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Items
or IHttpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Request.RouteValues
. For example:
public class NewsPartialRouter : IPartialRouter<NewsContainer, NewsContent>
private readonly IHttpContextAccessor _contextAccessor;
public object RoutePartial(NewsContainer content, UrlResolverContext urlResolverContext)
_contextAccessor.HttpContext.Request.RouteValues.Add("paramName", paramValue);
// or
_contextAccessor.HttpContext.Item.Add("paramName", paramValue);
// MVC controller will be:
// public IActionResult Index(NewsContainer currentContent, object paramName)
Hi Optimizely team,
I'm trying implement custom PartialRouter follow this Developer guide - Routing and seem it's not working.
I created CustomPartialRouter as bellow:
Registed in DI and called UseTemplate as bellow
Updated StartPageController to pass string parameter named "id" as bellow
And when debug, I saw custom PartialRouter setted routesValues before go to StartPageController, but parameter still empty as image bellow:
Did you find a solution for the Partial router not working ?
I have the exact same issue where I add a value to the RouteValues and can see them in Partial router but as soon as I return the content and come to the controller that added routeValue is not there.
Not found any solution to make Partial router work. So I registered all custom route via Startup like @Luc's comment.
Using custom routes in Startup makes the Parital Router useless. For me this is a issue when upgrading from CMS 11 to 12.
I'll ask around a bit and let you know if I find a soultion to this :)
I got it it to work. You can see my comment on the post.
Hope it works for you as well :)