I have just been trying the image editor and it is working fine in a standard alloy site.
Is it possibly anything to do with you image?
If you share the image here I can drop into the alloy site I have and see if it renders.
Tried in 12.18 and 12.20, both works fine. Try updating to 12.20. Is this in prod or dev by the way? If so, run a dotnet clean to ensure there's no old stuff laying around.
Fixed by uninstalling Baaijte.Optimizely.ImageSharp.Web, guessing this doesnt support 12.19/12.20 yet.
Thanks for checking in alloy!
Good afternoon,
We're running CMS V12.19.0, but this might appear in earlier versions too, but it seems like the Image Editor no longer works. Whenever you try to open the editor, an error is thrown in ImageSharp, about a missing method:
Cropping etc is also unavailable.
Is this a known issue? Or is there some workaround known?