Don't see the option to personalize in the actual dev, test and Prod environment but see it on my LOCAL


Do not see the persoanlize option on blocks in our Inte, PreProd, Prod environments but oddly enough, saying it in LOCAL:

In Intg/Prep/Prod environments:

In LOCAL (personalize option)

Jul 22, 2024 19:49

Probably a group access issue - the config is likely different between the two environments. ("VisitorGroupAdmins" missing?)


Aug 19, 2024 11:04


I think Personalize command is hide because:

  • You are turning on OptimizelyForDelivery => LimitUI = true
services.Configure<ExternalApplicationOptions>(options => options.OptimizeForDelivery = true)
  • Or you are using this service collection extension: UseCmsLite => SectionsVisibility.VisitorGroups = false

In Dojo js file, this command is added if LimitUI = false and  SectionsVisibility.VistiorGroups = true

=> So you should remove those code lines to fix this issue

Edited, Aug 23, 2024 4:03
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