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I was able to quickly re-create this scenario by creating a Page Type in the database on a test environment I had, and using your exact filter I got my test result. Admittedly, it's not the same exact version of Episerver, but I can at least confirm your query syntax looks correct.
I see you are working with Episerver 11.5.4.
What version of Find is being used (you can see in the UI)?
What version of Newtonsoft.Json is installed?
Are there any Newtonsoft.Json customizations in the project?
What are some other examples of queries that are working?
Hi @matthew,
Thanks for your help. The bellow is the version from packages.config:
EPiServer.Find 12.7.1
Newtonsoft.Json 10.0.3
No customization on Newtonsoft.Json
Nothing special. That is my first query and luckily I stuck in first one :D
Any luck solving this one? I am having the exact same issue.
Asking for all pages of a certain type is not returning me all of them.
If I add one more criteria, which I know one of the pages not being returned contains, then it works.
So it is in the index but is not being returned.
... and I have specified the language to use. Did you try that?
Hi champions,
I'm trying to test content delivery API. Installation was quite smooth and the first couple of test of query working perfectly. I have a page type as below:
And I want to query the for PlagePage which MinMenuPrice greater or equal 20. So I used below
And I always get an empty result:
And if you are curious about what Content Delivery API send to Episerver Find is bellow request:
and in Episerver Find we have this JSON document which satisfies above query:
Any help appreciated :)