Hi Dileep,
What version of Content Delivery API are you using?
Tested with Alloy and Content Delivery API 2.10.0 content reference works as you describe.
For example, add a new property like this to 'StandardPage' on Alloy MVC sample site:
[AllowedTypes(new Type[] { typeof(EditorialBlock) })]
[Display(GroupName = SystemTabNames.Content, Order = 500)]
public virtual ContentReference ReferenceBlock { get; set; }
Now for example on the 'Management' page select a block to this new property and publish the page. Then use content delivery API to get the page, the 'ReferenceBlock' property is rendered to the response like this:
"referenceBlock": {
"id": 76,
"workId": 0,
"guidValue": "7d7635dd-499b-4f54-aa59-6b5b14756a84"
To get the information about the actual block in one call you need to add the query string parameter expand=propertyname, like ?expand=referenceblock and you would get response like this:
"referenceBlock": {
"id": 76,
"workId": 0,
"guidValue": "7d7635dd-499b-4f54-aa59-6b5b14756a84",
"expanded": {
"contentLink": {
"id": 76,
"workId": 0,
"guidValue": "7d7635dd-499b-4f54-aa59-6b5b14756a84"
"name": "Collaboration made simple - When and Where",
"language": {
"displayName": "English",
"name": "en"
"existingLanguages": [
"displayName": "English",
"name": "en"
"contentType": [
"parentLink": {
"id": 69,
"workId": 0,
"guidValue": "8c5e76a1-1733-4f13-9e6c-e5840818a410",
"url": "/globalassets/events/"
"changed": "2020-03-22T10:43:16Z",
"created": "2012-10-02T12:12:19Z",
"startPublish": "2017-11-27T07:33:11Z",
"saved": "2020-03-22T10:43:16Z",
"status": "Published",
"category": [],
"mainBody": "<hr />\n<h3>When and where?</h3>\n<p>Start: 09/10/2012 3:00:00 PM<br />End: 09/11/2012 3:30:00 PM<br />Address: Mandalay Bay Las Vegas</p>"
I have Content Delivery API set up which works fine. However I have below need:
My Page type has a Content Reference property that takes a specific Block type. Currently when I fetch the page, I get this property value as null.
How do I show the details of Block properties in the response:
Ex: PageType --> NewsPage which has a Content Reference property as MediaData that takes a BlockType as VideoBlock.
I need to be able to show the properties of VideoBlock when the page is queried or fetched.