Hi Celerno,
As I see the submitted-form-kpi implementation currently supports only the FormGuid to check the converted value, with the FormGuide is assigned in the Validate method from a matched one among the list of pair of formGuid and formPath returned by the GetAllFormNamesandIds method.
I think you must get the code and changing it to match your evaluation, this is a short description:
Hope this help!
Hi all, currently I'm implementing a Kpi using Form Submit as conversion goal, so, the EvaluateProxyEvent it's linked to FormSubmissionFinalized.
Currently, we are doing AB Test for form sumbissions, trying to tell if an image change or a caption change in a block, inspires the users to click or to fill and submit a Form X. Problem is that the same form can be located at different places and is impossible to detect whichone is, because the only elements I have to identify a form is the ContentGUID which is unique for the Form.