Only current language version is re-indexed


Not sure if this is a bug or expected behaviour.

I'm using Find with EPiServer 6 and when a page is changed, only that specific language version is re-indexed, not all language versions of that page.

If a property doesn't have unique values per language (not culture specific/globalised), and we change that value on the master language and re-publish which triggers a re-index, we end up with different values for this property on different language versions.

A full re-index solves the problem though.

Apr 02, 2013 21:09

... and is there a workaround for this?

After some further testing, this should be a bug.

Un-published pages can show up in search results, because publishing dates are only set on master language.


Apr 02, 2013 21:10

Thank you for reporting this Johan. I have entered it as a bug and will look at creating a fix for it.



Apr 03, 2013 10:21

Thanks Marcus.

Is there a workaround? I guess we can listen to datafactory events and index all language versions too, but maybe there is a simpler way?

Apr 03, 2013 10:25

I'm not sure it's much easier but you could probably use related pages/dependencies.

Apr 03, 2013 11:32

For CMS 7 all language versions will be reindexed when one is changed. As for CMS 6 you can use the following snippet (based on related pages):

  .RelatedPages(x =>
    return DataFactory.Instance.GetLanguageBranches(page.PageLink).Select(x => x.TryAsTyped());
Apr 10, 2013 10:36

Thanks Henrik,

I've already solved it with the RelatedPages approach :) Just forgot to post it here and mark the thread as solved.

Apr 10, 2013 12:09
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