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Make sure you add Find's serviceUrl to your web.config. You will need to register for one here:
Hello Peter
The Find UI is delivered as a service and downloaded on demand. From memory its downloaded from on your client and the server. Can you confirm you can access this URL? Also if you open developer tools in your browser can you confirm if all the resources load correctly?
Not sure what you mean; if I just type in my browser, I just get 504 - Gateway Timeout.
Using developer tools I see this error:
Error: scriptError
Stack trace:
Can you check if you can access the following URL:
Yes, that returns a whole mess of stuff, beginning with:
//>>built require({cache:{"epi-find/Configuration":function(){define("epi-find/Configuration",["dojo/_base/config","epi-find/Intents!"],function(_1){return {load:function(id,_2,_3){if(!_1.find){_1.find={
I see that it is an https address, and the 'find' index I created has a red X next to allow ssl. Could that be a factor?
Hi Peter
That looks like the correct response.
SSL could be a factor but shouldn't affect your access to
Can you confirm what version of Find you are using?
Hi David,
Find version is installed by doing: Install-Package EPiServer.Find.Cms -Version
runtime version v4.0.30319
Episerver.Find.Cms is identical
Episerver,Find.Framework is identical
Episerver.Find.blocks version is, runtime version v4.0.30319
Episerver version 8.8
For what it's worth, I can use find from C# (make a client, index and search). It's just the cms interface that doesn't load.
Obviously its a UI specific issue so that's one thing to cross off the list :).
Are you running on a corporate network behind a proxy? I am wondering if something is being blocked as the application running in IIS is requesting the resources from . Perhaps you can run your IIS Application Pool as your local Windows user or at as a test?
Ps perhaps you can use Fiddler or Wireshark to look for the requests to and see why they are not being loaded properly?
Don't think it's a network problem; fails from home also, and at work a colleague doesn't have the same problem.
Already tried with Fiddler but saw nothing illuminating.
I had this problem, and the reason was having following tag in my web.config. I just simply removed the line and it starts working fine.
<episerver.find.ui clientSideResourceBaseUrl="*******"></episerver.find.ui>
Since this thread is the first result when searching with this error message, I'd just like to add that I was having this same problem recently and it turned out that it was caused by my browser's adblocker. The EasyPrivacy filter list includes the domain, which is used for loading scripts used by Find.
Just started experimenting with Find, I followed the steps to create a project with Find. When I login to episerver, I see the Find option in the top menu, and underneath the options:
Manage Configure Overview
But all three lead to:
The Find user interface is currently not available, please try again later.
[Try again button]
Trying again changes nothing.
Find version is What have I done wrong?