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Try changing
.BoostMatching(p => p.MatchTypeHierarchy(typeof(PdfFile)) & ((PdfFile)p).Name.Contains(searchString), 4)
to this
.BoostMatching(p => p.MatchTypeHierarchy(typeof(PdfFile)) & ((PdfFile)p).Name.Match(searchString), 4)
But that would only match PDF files where property Name matches the search query exactly, right? At least that was how I was taught Match works. I want to have PDF files where Name fully or partly contains the search query so if the query is "brev" then I want to boost PDF files with name "Skicka brev" etc.
Ah, you are right. Then I guess you have to add some kind of wildcard search extention.
Something similar to the FuzzyFilter method specified here:
I did a quick test: Document with Name "Sending letters" got match when using FuzzyFilter with "letters".
Hmm, do you mind showing how you use that filter? I saw that post but didn´t really think it would work together with the boosting, since it's not only that I want to use a fuzzy search in general, but actually boost those items.
I just did a quick test to verify that filter actually would match. I altered the extension to this:
public static ITypeSearch<T> FuzzyFilter<T>( this ITypeSearch<T> search, Expression<Func<T, string>> fieldSelector, string almost, double? minSimilarity = null) { var fieldName = search.Client.Conventions .FieldNameConvention .GetFieldNameForAnalyzed(fieldSelector); var wildcardQuery = new FuzzyQuery(fieldName, almost.ToLowerInvariant()) { MinSimilarity = minSimilarity }; //Add it to the search request body return new Search<T, WildcardQuery>(search, context => { if (context.RequestBody.Query != null) { var boolQuery = new BoolQuery(); boolQuery.Should.Add(context.RequestBody.Query); boolQuery.Should.Add(wildcardQuery); boolQuery.MinimumNumberShouldMatch = 1; context.RequestBody.Query = boolQuery; } else { context.RequestBody.Query = wildcardQuery; } }); }
And then used it like this:
_client.Search<Document>() .FuzzyFilter(d => d.Name, query, 1) .GetResult();
That works alright, by itself as a separate filter to match the Name property against the query (which of course could be useful), but it´s not really working with boosting the way I want with PDF files specifically. However, I´m not sure as to where the requirement came from and the background so I´m going to dig a bit deeper into that to see if this could be a solution.
Thanks a bunch for this!
I have a request from a client asking to boost PDF files if the name of the PDF contains the query, but I haven´t found a good way to accomplish that.
Basically what I want to do is this:
Of course .BoostMatching(p => p.MatchTypeHierarchy(typeof(PdfFile)) & ((PdfFile)p).Name.Contains(searchString), 4) doesn´t work because that won´t be compiled to a filter, but it´s the essence of what I want. I can´t use AnyWordBeginsWith() since the requirement isn´t that the word in the name should start with the query. The MatchFuzzy() won´t work either because as I understand it, it will match on like similiar words which isn´t the requirement either.
Have I missed something or is this just not possible? Seems quite simple so I thought that would be possible. Hopefully I´ve just missed something :)