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EPiserver.Find does not support Newtonsoft.Json 13. The package supports less than 13, Sorry, don't know the answer to your question though.
I actually ran into this yesterday when trying to update to a higher version of Schema.NET.
I hope that the powers at be update EPiserver.Find to use the latest version of Newtonsoft.Json at some point in the future, so that this can be updated. (Yay dependencies)
In my opinion, minor changes in package dependencies should be accepted. These should only contain bug fixes and no new or adjusted features wich causes breaking changes. I hope that, what Eric said, that the dependency range will be more flexible.
Pascal, do you have an example where this is not true? We always try to have as flexible dependecies as possible. We always support up until next major version of a package. The lower dependency bound can vary though, depending on features we require from a package.
Hi all,
As from version EPiServer Find 13.2.6, there is support for NewtonsoftJson version 13. In the dependencies of the EPiserver Find nuget package, there is support for NewtonsoftJson version 13.0.0 and not for NewtonsoftJson 13.0.1 (current version at the moment).
Is it planned to alter the nuspec file so, that it wil support the version 13.0.1 of the NewtonsoiftJson library?