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Invalidate epi find cache in StaticallyCacheFor (CMS 12)


Hi all,

I am not able to find any deeper information about how to invalidate cached results of "StaticallyCacheFor" in CMS 12.

It seems that I can use instance of IChangeToken. So I expected that just set the property HasChanged will be enough, but it is not working. I am still getting the cached result.

This is the method I am trying to use:

public static ISearch<TResult> StaticallyCacheFor<TResult>(this ISearch<TResult> search, TimeSpan cacheDuration, IChangeToken token, string cacheDependencyKey = null)

Do you have any advice how to use the IChangeToken and invalidate the cache result?

Sep 26, 2024 14:24

what you can do is to set the cacheDependencyKey and then remove that once you want to invalidate the cache

Sep 27, 2024 11:58

Hi Quan

Thank you for your replay and time.

So the process should look something like this?

  1. add the key with some empty value? 
    • CacheManager.Insert("cacheDependencyKey", new object());
  2. call search with the key so the result is cached (and the change token is null then)
    • search.StaticallyCacheFor(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10), null, "cacheDependencyKey")
  3. remove the key when something happaned (creating a page event...)
    • CacheManager.Remove("cacheDependencyKey");
  4. call search still with the key 
    • search.StaticallyCacheFor(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10), null, "cacheDependencyKey")

and if I understand it correctly, the best time to add the key to cache would be just right after I get the search result, right?


Sep 30, 2024 7:02

No you should add they cache dependency before you get the search result. So you got it almost right already, just think it should be like this on cache invalidation

    • CacheManager.Remove("cacheDependencyKey");
      CacheManager.Add("cacheDependencyKey", new object());

Also if you want to nuke all the Find search result cache, you can remove CacheUtils.MasterKey 

Sep 30, 2024 7:26

oh, now I get it! (and test it)  This really invalidated the cache:

CacheManager.Add("cacheDependencyKey", new object());

search.StaticallyCacheFor(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10), null, "cacheDependencyKey")

 Another question (which I can probable test) is if I set an expiration of that cachekey to let's say 5 minutes

new CacheEvictionPolicy(new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0), CacheTimeoutType.Absolute);

but the StaticallyCacheFor(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10) is 10 minutes cache. I guess the cache will expire after 5 minutes, correct. The lowest time will just expire the cache here.

Thank you Quan!

Sep 30, 2024 9:56

IN theory, yes. the dependency key will expire after 5 minutes and the dependent caches will be removed too. My memory is a bit rusty but I think the general approach is to have the cache key object to live indefinitely (just like you add with just CacheManager.Add("cacheDependencyKey", new object()); ), so you only need to care about your StaticallyCacheFor time out. 

Sep 30, 2024 9:59
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