Localization xml files



Can I got 'property name' from 'Localization xml file' using code?


 <language name="English" id="en">
   <pagetype name="LocaleChooserPage">
   <name>Locale chooser</name>
   <description>Site start page</description>
   <property name="PageTitle">
    <caption>Page title</caption>



I want to get an underlined value.

I hope for your help

Oct 26, 2013 21:55

But the problem is that I don't know which key to use in a given situation

Oct 27, 2013 21:39
Try something like below.

Edited, Oct 28, 2013 8:26

There is a Visual Studio extension that also can help you to find the key. In your case it will give you a result that looks like this


Oct 28, 2013 9:05

We are using strongly typed access for resource look-up. Miroslaw has created a great plugin - http://blog.m.jedynak.pl/2013/02/openwavesepiserverlocalization-strongly.html

Oct 28, 2013 23:29

Per Nergård,

Thanks for your help

Oct 29, 2013 14:22
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