This should work:
@using EPiServer.Framework.Web.Resources
Hi this code only show the fix menu, i want to collapse and extend
like this one
<>>div id="globalMenuContainer" class="epi-navigation-container epi-navigationContainer" widgetid="globalMenuContainer"> <>>div data-dojo-attach-point="accordionNode" class="epi-navigation-accordioncontainer" style="height: 0px;"> <>>div data-dojo-attach-point="containerNode" class="dijitHidden" style="position:absolute; bottom:0; left:0; width:100%"> <>>div class="epi-navigation-container-root"> @Html.Raw(Html.GlobalMenu()) div><>>div class="epi-navigation-delimiter">div> div> div> <>>div data-dojo-attach-point="expandCollapseContainer" class="epi-navigation-expandcollapseContainer"> <>>a data-dojo-attach-point="expandCollapseButton" href="javascript:void(0)" class="epi-navigation-expandcollapseBtn" tabindex="0"><>>span class="epi-navigation-expandcollapseIcon">span>a> div> div>
But the problem is that i don't know how to load the dojo library, it is not working for me
Do you know if there are some reference that explain better the part of the Episerver Styles and Epi and dojo register libraries.
I'm extending the global menu in EPiServer 7 and would like the plugin to have the EPiServer look and feel.
In the old days (.aspx) we used:
Which generated the needed scripts for the look and feel of EPiServer like this:
Does anyone know hos to accomplish this when using MVC Razor? (.cshtml)
I have tried this:
But this is not quite correct:
So, in short, the question is: Whats the equivalent for Page.ClientResources("ShellCore") when using MVC and Razor?