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I've never used XForms within EPiServer in the past, however we are now looking at it for a new piece of work. I've read through the developer documentation and looked at the Alloy example and they make sense from a development perspective. I do have a couple of questions from an Editors perspecitve:

  1. How do I create a new form and view existing forms? At the moment I'm having to find a page that has a block with an XForm property on and view it that way, but there must be another way of viewing forms in the system?
  2. How can I export all form responses into another format, for example Excel?

Thanks for any help

Dec 12, 2013 11:25


  1. All the various forms that have been created are administered in the "Select Form" dialog. Have never seen a central place other than that.
  2. Form data can be exported via the "View data" link next to the form button.

More info can be found here:





Dec 12, 2013 13:49

Thanks for those links. I've had a look through and those are the ways I'm using the forms and retireving their values at the moment.

What I was hoping to find, is a page within the CMS / Dashboard gadget that shows all Forms within the system and provides the functionality to export their data.

Do you know of anything similar to this?

Dec 12, 2013 14:12

Oh yes, there is a gadget in fact. Forgot about the Forms Viewer.

Have a look at this: http://webhelp.episerver.com/CMS/7.1/EN/#Gadgets/Shared_Gadgets.htm?Highlight=forms viewer

Dec 12, 2013 14:44
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