Opticon Stockholm is on Tuesday September 10th, hope to see you there!
Opticon Stockholm is on Tuesday September 10th, hope to see you there!
You could have a dynamic pagereference property indicating from wich pagelink your sidebar contentarea should fetch its data from.
If you are using forms you can use <EPiServer:Property PropertyName="YourContentArea" />. Then you set the PageLink from the dynamic property pagereference property.
If you check out the Alloy forms demo templates EPiServer does almost this for the site logo. But instead they specify the startpage as the PageLink.
Tried using a ContentArea as a dynamic property but it does not seems to work, the ui does not seem to support it.
Is there any solution to this problem:
I have a sidebar that is an ContentArea and I would like it to be set on a parent page and the look the same on all its children.
Saw this article but is it possible for an contentarea?