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Accessing a subBlock methods in code-behind from parent block


I'd like to access methods from a subBlock, as it was possible before with the CMS 6 without the blocks because we were using UserControls.

Here's some code to explain myself:


SubBlock.ascx.cs =>


public partial class SubBlock: BlockControlBase<SubBlockBlock>

   public string Method1()  { return "A string"; }




ParentBlock.ascx =>


<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="ParentBlock.ascx.cs" Inherits="MyProject.Views.Blocks.ParentBlock" %>

   <EPiServer:Property ID="SubBlock" runat="server" PropertyName="SubBlock" />



ParentBlock.ascx.cs =>


public partial class ParentBlock: BlockControlBase<ParentBlockBlock>

    public string ParentMethod()  { string aStringToDoSomething = SubBlock.Method1(); } //This of course doesn't work




How can I do something like calling a method on a subBlock, any ideas?


Mar 28, 2013 21:00
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