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OnPage edit overlapping regions




Is there any possibility to control somehow overlapping OnPage Edit regions? I bet screenshot may explain more that I could.


May 03, 2013 7:57

The "data-epi-overlay-z-index" attribute might be what you need. It lets you handle the z-index for overlapping properties.
Joel Abrahamsson has written a short blog post about it:

May 03, 2013 8:17

Great! That's exactly was we were looking for.

May 03, 2013 8:47

Yes, the z-index attribute was implemented to handle this type of case. 

May 03, 2013 15:54


How do we specify this value with the property control? I have tried most settings on the control, eg:

<EPiServer:Property PropertyName="Image" runat="server">
	<OverlaySettings z-index="10" />


Jun 05, 2013 17:40

Just add it as an attribute in the property markup:

<EPiServer:Property PropertyName="MainContentArea" runat="server" data-epi-overlay-z-index="12345" />

Jun 12, 2013 16:41

I can't get data-epi-overlay-z-index="100" to work with MVC, tried with and without @Html.EditAttributes

I have a div containting a div, and want the inner div to have a larger Z-index than the inner (also clickable for another attribute)

Aug 27, 2013 13:16

Can you post the code? This works for us just fine.


<figure class="featured-image">
    <span data-epi-overlay-z-index="600" @Html.EditAttributes(x => x.CurrentPa..

    @if (PageEditing.PageIsInEditMode || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Model.Curr..
        <figcaption data-epi-overlay-z-index="600" @Html.EditAttributes(x => x


Aug 27, 2013 14:15
<div class="relavant" data-epi-overlay-z-index="700" @Html.EditAttributes(x => x.CurrentPage.Relevant)>

<div data-epi-overlay-z-index="600" @Html.EditAttributes(x => x.CurrentPage.Innhold)>

This is how it looks:

class relevant uses float: right, can't see why it's not working :/

Edited, Aug 27, 2013 14:27

I got it working on another overlapping object, will continue trying

Aug 27, 2013 15:13
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