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You could try going through the list of HtmlFragments in the form. Something like this:
var fragments = currentPage.Form.CreateHtmlFragments();
foreach (dynamic fragment in fragments.Where(f => f is XFormsFragment))
var label = fragment.Label;
what is currentPage Here? PageData.. I can't get the Form property in it.. Thanks
currentPage is your strongly-typed page type model that's passed as a parameter in your controller. The Form property is just an XForm property in the model.
I using EPiServer MVC 7. I am using the XForm and when user type in the value I generate the mail not Xform but in my code. I use the Name property to get the key and value and print this on my mail. e.g. if key = CustomerName and value = Peter
then its prints as CusturName Peter etc.
Mine is swedish site and I need to enter swedish character as Key but Xform does not take special characters. Then I thought I could use Heading property but I dont see any api to get the same. Can you help me providing some alternative solution on this.