Try this in your web.config:
<location path="PageFiles">
<add name="webresources" path="WebResource.axd" verb="GET" type="System.Web.Handlers.AssemblyResourceLoader"/>
<add name="wildcard" path="*" verb="*" type="EPiServer.Web.StaticFileHandler, EPiServer"/>
<staticFile expirationTime="20.0:0:0"/>
This does not work, complaints about the <staticFile>. Should it be <system.webServer><staticContent>? Although I couldn't get that to work either directly with VPP folders :-( So I would also be more than happy to hear about correct way to set client expiration time for vpp served files.
Ah I was just missing the section declaration from configsections:
<section name="staticFile" type="EPiServer.Framework.Configuration.StaticFileSection, EPiServer.Framework" allowLocation="true" />
With this and the config from Christian I gont headers working!
What would be the proper way to set for example client cache timeout on VPP folders?
As an example I've tried to do a location setting for "Global" in web.config but it doesn't seem to go through. I'm stuck on a 10h timeout whatever I do but on any other static folder it works fine...