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Modified Subscription Mail problem



After migrating 4.62 -> 5 CMS2 R2 I have not been able to override the default email values. Before I used "MailFrom", "MailSubject", "MailReadMore" and "MailBody". And so it is at the EPiServer CMS SDK Documentation (R2):

The text for the "Read More..." text is taken from the page property "MailReadMore" on the subscription root.

The subject of the mail is generated from the page property "MailSubject" on the subscription root.

The mail from address generated from the "MailFrom" page property on the subscription root.

However, there is an article at:

It shows:

PropertyDefault valueName of override property
Subjectlanguage specificSubscriptionMailSubject
Link titlelanguage specificSubscriptionMailReadMore

Anyway, neither "MailFrom" or "SubscriptionMailFrom" works for me. Default email is sent away. Please help!

Dec 10, 2008 9:10

I've checked the code using .NET Reflector, and it seems like EPiServer looks for those properties on each subscribed page, and not the actual Subscription page. 

I've reported this as a bug to support.

Dec 10, 2008 12:32

Thank You Mari! Smile 

But the big question remains: should I use "MailFrom" as it was before and in the CMS5 R2 SDK, or the new "SubscriptionMailFrom"?

We ar going to online with R2 as soon as this problem is solved... Innocent

Edited, Dec 10, 2008 14:10

You should use SubscriptionMailFrom, SubscriptionMailSubject, SubscriptionMailBody, SubscriptionMailReadMore to override default settings.

A quick fix is to override the Send() method in the SubscriptionMail class. You can find more information on this subject here.

Dec 10, 2008 14:26

Thank You Mari for helping and giving a valuable tip!

I moved those properties away from page and made dynamic properties of them. Now the email functions perfect!!! Laughing <- happy me

Dec 10, 2008 18:57
Was this a real bug or is the behaviour to look on each page by design? I couldn't find the bug in the bug tracker to check if it has been fixed in R2 SP1.
Feb 19, 2009 10:52

The bug was closed "as designed". From the history notes:

This is a changed behavior from 4.62 to CMS 5 and it is by design.

The comments on the class SubscriptionMail has been updated to be more clear about the behavior.

For users that wants the same behavior as in 4.62 they can implement their own class implementing EPiServer.Personalization.ISubscriptionHandler. One option is to inherit EPiServer.Personalization.SubscriptionMail and override method Send in where they can construct the mail as they like.


Feb 19, 2009 15:23
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