Opticon Stockholm is on Tuesday September 10th, hope to see you there!

Uploading a picture


Hi everyone, a question about uploading a picture or document:

It is possible for an anonymous end user to upload a picture with the page he just created?  So two parts here, first creating a page, second upload a picture and save it to the page folder. I did the first part which work ok, but then uploading a picture I got the error with folder authorization problems, says I don't have access right to that folder, I did do the bypassaccesscheck, still it doesn't work. Same code works when I logged in as an episerver user.

Anywho, my question is, is it possiblet for an anonymous user to upload a file? if so (I guess so) how to do it?

Many thx guys!!


Feb 10, 2010 10:12
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