Bad performance on search


I have a customer where using Episerver Search takes one minute to complete.

I've tried to study the logfile, but I find it difficult to point out the problem.
I changed to "All" in the log file. That gave as expected a lot of feedback.

I tried to turn off:
- EPiServer.Core.OptimisticCache
- Microsoft.Samples.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Pipe.DBG
- EPiServer.Web.FriendlyHtmlRewriteToExternal.HtmlRewriteUrl

but didn't come any closer to any solution, although it seemed that


used a lot of processing time.

Anybody have some kind of checklist of resources to find performance problems regarding the search function in Episerver?

Kind regards, Jon Haakon

Mar 03, 2011 16:26
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