EPiServer Connect for SharePoint 2.2 - Configuration



I'm having problems getting my SharePoint connector to talk to EPiServer. I have installed the solution into SharePoint and am attempting to configure the web parts.

My web.config entry for web service authorization is as follows:

 <allow users="WebService" />


WebService is a valid user in EPiServer and I have added it to the "Allow the user to act as a web service user" setting in the Permissions for Functions setting.

I have enabled Basic Authentication.

When I try to connect from SharePoint using this user I get the following error:

Web service error occured. SoapException message: Server was unable to process request. ---> The user does not have the 'Permission.WebServiceAccess' access right to access web services, for user

Does anyone have any idea what's going on? It looks like I have everything configured correctly.


Nov 24, 2010 11:56

My issue seems to have been caused by my user not being a Windows user, I had created it as a SQL user.

When I created the user on the operating system everything seemed to work ok.


Edited, Nov 25, 2010 15:02



Sql users also can be used.

You can find updated doc on how uathentication should be configured for SQL users.




Nov 29, 2010 8:33
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