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Using Custom TinyMCE Theme



My first post on these forums. I found that when attempting to utilize a custom theme by adding a TinyMCEPluginNonVisual attribute on a class and setting the TinyMCE configuration there, the theme still defaults to "advanced". I found this is due to the following:

In the EPiServer.Editor.TinyMCE.Editor class, AddPluginConfiguration method, there is the following logic:

    if (assembler.ToolbarRows.Count > 0)
        this.InitOptions["theme"] = "advanced";


So if there is at least one toolbar row in TinyMCE, it sets the theme to advanced, overwriting a custom theme potentially already set. It would make sense to make sure the theme has not been explicitly set in the custom configuration settings:

if(this.InitOptions["theme"] == null)
    this.InitOptions["theme"] = "advanced";

The only recourse that I see is to edit the advanced theme, which I'd rather not do. Is there any other way?



Mar 16, 2011 17:53
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