EPiServer handles load balancing just fine as long as you are certain to follow the steps for ensuring that events are handled on both servers. Information about this can be found at: http://world.episerver.com/Documentation/Items/Tech-Notes/EPiServer-CMS-6/EPiServer-CMS-60/Event-Management-System-Specification/
Caching is well built throughout the product and you can build upon their caching system by using the API calls which are well documented on the SDK and here: http://world.episerver.com/Blogs/Mattias-Lovstrom/Dates/2010/7/Caching-object-EPiServer-is-easier-then-you-probably-think/
If you want to force SSL on every page there are quite a few options though. One of the most simple would be to do something like the following on a base page: http://forums.asp.net/t/1016147.aspx/1
Hi all,
Im setting up an EPIserver CMS 6 enviroment for a customer. Im new to the product and looking for the following options
- Loadbalancing
The enviroment is set up as 2 websers connecting to 1 databases server with a shared folder for the pictures. Are there additional settings that need to be done for this?
- Caching
Is there a option to use caching, or does the application this by default or can we use a external caching like memcached.
- SSL/Security
What is the easiest way to protect the backend site, for example with SSL. We could make a rewrite rule in IIS that redirects hits to the backend to the SSL version. But would be nicer if EPIserver handles this by themself.
Are there other security/recommend settings
Thanks for youre time and help.
With regards,