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Language translation problem for default properties



I have just installed EPiServer CMS 6 R2 beta ( and having problem with translation of EPiServers default properties in edit mode. It´s a clean new installation without the Public templates installed. In edit mode the properties now are named as there variabelnames, f.ex.

  • PageName
  • PageStartPublish
  • PageStopPublish
  • PageArchiveLink
  • PageVisibleInMenu
  • PageURLSegment
  • and so on...

This is regardless of what language the editors have choosen.

Furthermore there are no translation in Swedish for the new button "Mark as in Use".

Is this a known bug in the beta release? I have reinstalled R2 beta, but the error are still there.


Mar 08, 2011 14:03

Regarding the translation for Swedish, yes that's a known "bug". There will be a full translation of the interface to Swedish once the final product is out :)


Mar 11, 2011 10:12


Thank you for the report. I have reproduced the issue and filed a bug for it though I have no idea of the reason at the moment.

Linus Ekström

Mar 11, 2011 10:50
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