First you need to create an initialization module as a container for your override code. You will find details of how to do this here:
Make sure your module is dependent on the EPiServer.Web.InitializationModule using the ModuleDependency attribute:
In the Initialize method of your module you can add the following code to customize the email output:
BaseLibrary.Channel.IChannel channel = new SynchronousChannel("xformdata");
EPiServer.XForms.Implementation.EMailConnection emailSender = new EPiServer.XForms.Implementation.EMailConnection();
emailSender.Subject = "MySubject"
emailSender.XMailer = "EPiServer XForms";
emailSender.XsltUrl = url to an Xslt file that transforms the XML Document containin the post;
emailSender.From = "";
emailSender.To = "";
channel.SendEvent += new BaseLibrary.Channel.ChannelEventHandler(emailSender.SendEmail);
channel.SendEvent += new BaseLibrary.Channel.ChannelEventHandler(new EPiServer.XForms.Implementation.HttpConnection().HttpRepost);
channel.SendEvent += new BaseLibrary.Channel.ChannelEventHandler(XForms.XFormData.SaveEventHandler);
Please note that I have not compiled or tested this code :-)
When the XForm sends an email out - is there any files/assembly/code that EPiServer uses that determines how this looks when it is outputted? If so, where is it!?
We wish to customise it, so wondering where to start?