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Public page access beneath secure pages


Is it possible to have public accessible pages beneath secure pages in CMS. For Example:

- Parent Page (Security: MyGroup)

-- Sub Page (Security: Everyone)

I would like to create a page beneath a secure page which has "everyone" access. When I setup this configuration, an anonymous user cannot access "Sub Page". It appears that although the page has Everyone (read), it is not viewable unless logged in with an account in role MyGroup).

Aug 15, 2012 17:51

Yes that is possible. Maybe your problem is that "Sub Page" is trying to load another page which the user doesn't have access to.

Aug 15, 2012 18:52

Guessing it could be your breadcrumb that tries to load something from the parent page?

Aug 16, 2012 11:50

I think that could be a possibility, however I would expect an AccessDenied exception to be thrown if there were an issue. I can re-create the same situation on a standard alloy tech website. I tried to export the part of the page tree to post on here however it doesnt seem like the securiy of the pages is exported/imported.

Aug 20, 2012 11:22
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