The EPiServerFramework.config needs change access as well. EPiServer.config, web.config and EPiServerFramework.config all need this.
Also check if the file is read only or not. For example when working with TFS, the file is marked as read only to ensure that they're not changed without your TFS client (Visual Studio in most cases) being aware of it.
I just created one website and after the website has been created I'm getting the Error as :
Access to the path 'D:\Kishore\EPiServer\Sites\MyProject\EPiServerFramework.config' is denied.
I tried to provide the R&W access to application pool using the following command:
icacls D:\Kishore\EPiServer\Sites\MyProject\ /grant:r "IIS APPPOOL\MyProjectAppPool":(OI)(CI)(RX)
and, can see that the application pool was given with the read and execute access.
When I refresh my website, I'm still getting the error as access denied to EPiServerFramework.config file.
Any suggestions please...