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Not valid IIS application

I get this error saying that a lot of the tags is not vaild IIS application. I also can't drag and drop webcontrols to pages. Another question is why regular asp.net 2.0 webcontrols are not accessible in the code behind file. I have to use the FindControl method to get it to work? What am I doing wrong? Best regards Andreas
Nov 07, 2007 20:57
Can you specify what you mean by "I get this error saying that a lot of the tags is not vaild IIS application."? Regarding your web controls, do the ***.ascx.designer.cs change when you add the user controls? I've had some problems where the designer file didn't update, so I had to manually add it to the designer file. And, if your webcontrol is within another control, eg. panel, multiview. You might have problems reaching it from codebehind. A recursive findcontrol is always nice to include in your utility project ;) -- LØB www.epinova.no
Nov 09, 2007 13:45
När jag drar t.ex. en ASP:Image till sidan får jag ett felmeddelande ogiltigt formatetc
Nov 26, 2007 12:52
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